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  • Duration: 1 h 10
  • France
  • For all
  • 615 vues

Le Boustrophédon

Juggling, roller ballet, multi-person high-wire acrobatics, puppets… Part human, part puppet, a circus of illusory visions and real characters…

The war is over. The patients and medical staff of camp No. 12 have somehow survived the hostilities, and now have no choice but to go on living and get on with rebuilding their city…


An orchestra of one-armed musicians serenades the victors. An old man with no legs juggles for coins in the street. Later on, a circus rolls into town, and a handful of touching, jack-of-all-trade performers put on a show to get people dreaming again. The task of rebuilding is daunting. To the strains of a lone accordion, the human anthill kicks into gear…Spring is in the air…

Circus and war: two diametrically opposing worlds, united. Circus in wartime, like a flower springing up through a crack in the pavement.

In Court-Miracles, inspired by a trip to Gaza undertaken by the members of Compagnie Boustrophédon in 2005. The characters, damaged though they are by the war, can still see the dark comedy in their situation. Puzzling, frightening, funny and tender, part-human and part-puppet, they reinvent their everyday lives, throw together an unlikely orchestra, juggle with unexpected objects, patch up their pals who are in need of repair, and even embark upon a rat chase!


Treading lightly on a high-wire, Court-Miracles offers occasional glimpses of sensitivity and heroism. In those moments the puppets join forces, filled with hope, to evoke the grandeur of the human spirit.

Distribution and legal informations

Collective creation
Director: Christian Coumin
Light design: Arno Veyrat
Set construction: Serge Calvier, Sylvain Vassas Cherel / Nil Obstrat
Technical director: Thomas Maréchal
Performers: Loïc Apard, Lucie Boulay, Johanna Ehlert, Matthieu Siefridt
With generous assistance from: Studio Lido, Centre des Arts du Cirque de Toulouse; Régime d'Assurance Chômage des intermittents du spectacle; La Paperie, Chez Jo Bithume street art centre - Angers; SOIT ! Festival of street arts and circus performance - Cergy; Ville de Cergy; Nil Obstrat, Centre for artistic and technical creation - Saint-Ouen l'Aumône; ARTO, Street Festival - Ramonville
With the support of: Fonds d'Action artistique Festival d'Avignon et Compagnie 2007; Cirque O Présent; La Grainerie, Circus Arts Centre - Balma; La Pallène - Rouillac; Centre Culturel - Ramonville; Théâtre de la Digue - Toulouse; Ville de Toulouse; Région Midi-Pyrénées; Préfecture Région Midi-Pyrénées; Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication DRAC/DMDTS
Photos credits : Maurice Melliet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Cour du Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 2008

Contenus associés

  • France
    Le Boustrophédon

    A funny, quirky, moving reflection on humanity…

Contenus suggérés

  • Netherlands
    Duda Paiva Company

    A fantastical, comical universe where a giant puppet “becomes as one” with her two handlers…

  • Spain
    Bambalina Teatre

    Carmen as you’ve never seen it before, a version combining puppetry with object theatre and a festive spirit straight out of the south!

  • Israel

    A fascinating, organic interplay between object (puppet) and human (handler).