- Duration: 1 h
- France
- For all
- 1038 vues
Fiat Lux
A train platform where a couple of Scottish tourists, two old English ladies and an impatient, irascible businessman are all waiting for the arrival of the Paris-London train. A man and woman are also present, would-be clandestine immigrants hoping to get to "Eldorado".
But a lightning strike prevents the arrival of the train. The peaceful platform with a very capricious drinks distributor, an SNCF ticket punching machine that does manicures, and two wooden benches, is quickly transformed into a stage.
Against a backdrop of clandestine immigration and the condition of some Muslim women, Strike questions the inner workings of human relationships with humour and derision. Didier Guyon sketches these characters and situations delightfully, fiercely but also tenderly. Owing to the confined situation of the protagonists, humanity is revealed in all its beauty… and pettiness. But although laughter is the leitmotif of the show, here it is used to communicate a deeper, more committed message: the situation of undocumented immigrants in France and Europe.
Didier Guyon uses humour to depict situations that are not always very funny: fear of the other, selfishness, a sense of sharing, profiteers, prejudice and pettiness.
Distribution and legal informations
Design: Didier Guyon
Directed by: Didier Guyon with Jean-Jacques Tesson
Lighting: Yannick Tanguy
Sound: Joachim Blanchet
Soundtrack: Alain Richard
Rhythmic compositions: Jean-Luc Ronget
Actors: Pascal Cariou, Fabien Casseau, Mélanie Del Din, Didier Guyon, Emmanuelle Ricard, Pascal Orveillon, Dominique Prié
Production: Fiat Lux
Co-production: Théâtre du Chêne Noir / Avignon
With the support of: DRAC de Bretagne; Région de Bretagne; Département des Côtes d'Armor; Ville de Saint-Brieuc
Creative assistance: Adami; Office Départemental Culturel des Côtes d'Armor; Fonds d'Action Artistique pour le Festival Off d'Avignon; Théâtre de Verre / Châteaubriant (44); Quai des Rêves / Lamballe (22); La Passerelle, Scène Nationale de Saint-Brieux (22)
More informations
- Place of capture : Cours du Centre Culturel de la Visitation
- Collection : Mimos 2007