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Passage Desemboîté

  • Duration: 1 h 15
  • France
  • For all
  • 950 vues

Cie Les Apostrophés

This show is presented in public spaces and its urban reality is inspired by invisible theatre.

Plunged into the heart of the city, discreetly casual, unexpectedly disturbing, five highly stylised "yobbos" play-act with trifles found in the streets.

A muddle of cardboard boxes, a book left on a bench, a baguette, coffee cups, scrubbing brushes, everything is fair game when it comes to juggling. In a succession of tender and amusing sketches, Les Apostrophés take everyday urban objects out of context, turning our little habits on their head. Their expert hands juggle with odds and ends before the indulgent gaze of an accordionist accomplice. Music, juggling and dance all come together to subvert the innumerable trifles of everyday life.

This project inspired by invisible theatre is a genuine study of public space and the realities of urban life. It seeks to escape from the rational and conditioned relationships of people with everyday urban objects by confronting passers-by with situations that border on the absurd.

Distribution and legal informations

Design: Martin Schwietzke
Actors: Martin Schwietzke, Jörg Müller, Jive Faury, Gilles Rémy, Marcel Dreux
Production: Les Apostrophés
Coproduction: Le Cratère, Scène Nationale d'Alès
With the support of: DMDTS; Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, de la DRAC - Languedoc-Roussillon; Verrerie d'Alès - Pôle Cirque Cévennes et Languedoc-Roussillon; A.F.A.A.

More informations

  • Place of capture : Départ Place Emile Goudeau
  • Collection : Mimos 2007

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