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L'Eau Vive

  • Duration: 55 min
  • Spain
  • For all
  • 383 vues

Marta Carrasco

L'Eau vive is a flowing evocation of a woman’s life.

Dancing with astonishing fluidity and evocative power, L'Eau vive explores the sensuousness of femininity. (This pure dance performance was presented at Mimos 2000 alongside Blanc d'Ombre, showcasing the diversity and breadth of the artist’s talents).


Distribution and legal informations

Concept, stage design, performance: Marta Carrasco


More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2000

Contenus associés

  • Spain

    Le Blanc d'Ombre is a whirlwind spin through some of the key episodes in the life of Camille Claudel.