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Howard Buten

Howard Buten
  • France
  • Chorégraphe
  • Metteur en scène
  • Interprète

"Ces enfants qui ne viennent pas d'une autre planète", "Le cœur sous le rouleau compresseur", "Are we there yet?", " Histoire de Rofo, clown", "Is there somebody in?”, “Through the Glass Wall: Journeys into the Closed-Off Worlds of the Autistic".
His performances, meanwhile, have continued to evolve with each new tour. Howard Buten has described his work as Buffo thus: “My approach is to never create an entirely new show, but instead to do what Grock did, forever working to perfect a single show which continues to evolve over the years.”
His most recent book, "Howard Buten Buffo," was published in 2005. He finally let the curtain fall on "Buffo" in January 2011, and retired from the specialist clinic for young autistic patients at the end of 2012.

Contenus suggérés

  • France
    Howard Buten

    Buffo n'est pas le nom d'un spectacle. C'est le nom d'Howard Buten quand il "fait le clown".