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  • Barcelona
  • Spain

Centre Moveo

Dernière mise à jour : 27/09/2021

Lieu de formation

MOVEO is a centre dedicated to the transmission and creation of a theatre based on the expressiveness and theatricality of the body. The centre offers a space for training, research and residencies, and welcomes artists and students from all over the world every year. In Spain and abroad, Moveo develops artistic and educational projects in collaboration with festivals and various organizations, and offers courses and workshops for a wide variety of groups.

Their fundamental objectives are to offer quality training consisting of artistic and physical tools to help everyone interpret and create contemporary works. They also want to stimulate the creativity and development of the skills of each participant so that they can not only be performers but also develop their own creative projects. They encourage their investigation of an art centered on the performer and his/her body as the main means of expression. Finally, they develop new techniques of creation and learning by mixing disciplines.

En savoir plus

Facebook : @centro.moveo

Instagram : @centromoveo

Contenus suggérés

  • Espagne

    Moveo est un centre espagnol de formation et de création spécialisé dans le mime corporel dramatique et le théâtre gestuel, mais également une compagnie espagnole. Elle tisse des liens avec d’autres disciplines au sein du monde du théâtre gestuel.