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Who Goes On

  • Duration: 50 min
  • Belgium - France
  • For all
  • 500 vues

Cirq'ulation Locale

7 dancers, 7 actors and 7 circus performers explode the boundaries between the circus and the stage.

Cirq'ulation Locale is all about mixing and combining disciplines: these seven young circus performers use everything from juggling to dance, acrobatics and theatre in their quest to tell powerful stories, inspired by personal experiences and presented in a visceral style which puts form on a part with content. 
This particular show was totally overhauled following a bus accident involving the whole troupe in 2013. This traumatic event totally changed their perspective on creativity: the physical consequences and trauma suffered by some of the performers forced them to find new creative solutions, coming at the piece from a different angle.
All seven performers were back on stage just a few days after the accident, some of them on crutches or in wheelchairs. With those physical challenges behind them, Who goes on is now a genuine ode to life!

Distribution and legal informations

A collective work
Directed by / Choreography: Jan Vermeersch
Performers: Morgan Cosquer, Benjamin de Matteïs, Bram Dobbelaere,  Mickaël Le Guen, Etienne Manceau, Vincent Reversat, Jan Vermeersch
Lighting: David Carney
Co-production: Compagnie Cirq'Ulation locale; Compagnie Sacékripa; Le Prato
With support from: Ministerie van cultuur van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap; Ville de Bruxelles - Brufête asbl (Place au Printemps); Huis voor Kunsten op Straat; SACD (Lauréat Jeunes Talents Cirque 2004)

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2005