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  • Duration: 1 h 15
  • Grande Bretagne - Australie
  • Tout public
  • 518 vues

Nola Rae

The genius of Mozart, brought to life through clowning and mime.

To talk about Mozart, to evoke his genius within the stylised constraints of the theatre, you need a certain amount of grace. You need a little dash of Mozart in your body and soul.
Nola Rae is touched by that grace: an artist of the highest order with a triple calling as mime, clown and puppeteer.
Here comes Nola now, sporting a powdered wig with reading glasses perched on the end of her nose, carrying a child with his own 18th-century wig. The child may not be real, but performer and puppet are infused with the same irrepressible life force. Mozart the adult thus co-exists with Mozart the child.
The composer’s life flashes by in a whirlwind of colourful scenes, joyously eschewing conventional chronology. A cheeky little thing with a resounding laugh, the legend of Wolfgang Amadeus unfurls before him: exploited by his father, the child prodigy was toured around Europe like a performing monkey.
He then began to compose, a flurry of genius amidst the jealousy and patronage of the powerful.
Directed by John Mowatt, this show is a little slice of history for audiences of all ages.


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credits : Maurice Melliet


More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1999