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L'enfant du paradis

  • France
  • For all
  • 628 vues

Aria Teatro

Who better than the performing partners of his later years to pay tribute to the immense talent of Marcel Marceau?

Six mimes walk onto the stage. A movement cuts through the space, followed by another. An image begins to emerge, followed by a place, an emotion, a character.

A woman, a young man, a vagabond, a child, an old man, time, love, the devil… a carousel of characters. There is no story here. There are only stories.

Stories as everyday as they are fantastical, in search of a collective memory. What links them all is love.

Together they form a family: the family of Marcel Marceau. And their music is the sound of silence infused with laughter and emotion.

Distribution and legal informations

Collective creation
Director: Emmanuel Vacca
Light design: Eric Fourez
Performers: Gyöngyi Biro, Angélique Petit, Elena Serra, Guérassim Dichliev, Maxim Nourissat
Co-produced by: Compagnie Aria Teatro; Compagnie Paolino&Co; Artist Factum
With support from: Festival Mimos
Photos credits : Maurice Melliet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2008