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Le récital des postures

  • Duration: 50 min
  • Switzerland
  • For all
  • 415 vues

Arts Mouvementés - Yasmine Hugonnet

An astonishing “recital” where the soloist’s body is the only instrument on stage.

A naked woman with flowing black hair… Her body becomes fixed in a series of strange, challenging postures. She strives not to slow down for the sheer pleasure of it, but in order to “dissect time” and fully inhabit the playful, almost child-like space of the metamorphosis…
In this piece the body is an instrument, sculpted into postures by the soloist. A symbolic, social body, a vector for communication.
Poses held with precision while movements begin to circulate in the audience’s imagination… How do we decide whether a body has good or bad posture, whether it’s strong or weak, lazy or efficient? What happens in the interstitial spaces between these extremes? The body unveils its simple mysteries with a rich, evocative power. The thoroughly graphic dimension of this work, its focus on silhouettes and its humour all serve to accentuate the materiality of presence: loose muscles, head pressed to the ground, sudden shifts, hair put to a multitude of uses … Locked in this white space, the body both affirms and effaces itself, unlocking the voice which lies beneath the skin…


Distribution and legal informations

Choreography: Yasmine Hugonnet
Artistic collaboration: Michael Nick
Light design: Dominique Dardant
Costume design: Scilla Llardo
Set design: Yasmine Hugonnet, Dominique Dardant
Regards, replay: Ruth Childs
Script advisor: Guy Cools
Performed by: Yasmine Hugonnet

Photo credit:Francis Aviet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2018