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  • Duration: 1 h 15
  • South Korea - France
  • For all
  • 1461 vues

A visual tragi-comedy which manages to find fun in heavy subjects: the loss of values, the corrupting effects of power…

In the middle of nowhere, two border guards brought low by boredom, solitude and booze vainly scan the horizon, awaiting the unlikely arrival of a visitor. As the last surviving traces of a society gone to seed, they find themselves locked in a spiral of madness in these violently claustrophobic and patently absurd surroundings. Until…

Against a backdrop consisting of little more than a guard post and a scattering of recycled objects (bicycle, television, telephone, etc.), Blik is a tragi-comedy which uses humour to offer a sly take on some serious subjects. Blik is all that survives of the word republik. This border, this passage, this dividing line marks the separation between two territories, a source of wild dreams and irrational fears. A line not to be crossed, an impossible transgression… This dark force brings humanity’s vices and weaknesses to the fore, with a sense of burlesque exaggeration which ultimately offers a more nuanced, sympathetic and fraternal vision of us as individuals.

Geung Ho Nam and Laurent Clairet join forces for an unusual theatrical adventure, exploring the inner workings of tragi-comedy. Words are used sparingly, giving full rein to a visual, gestural theatre where silence speaks volumes.

Distribution and legal informations

Concept: Laurent Clairet, Violaine Clanet, Geung Ho Nam
Directed by: Laurent Clairet, Violaine Clanet, Geung Ho Nam
Assistant Director/ Concept development: Violaine Clanet
Stage design / Sets: Laurent Clairet, Lee Jin Yeob
Costumes: Violaine Clanet, Micheline Prudhomme, Kyeong-I n Kim
Music: Phil Reptil, Choi Yoon Sang
Make-up and wigs: Jeong-Min Lee
Light Design: Nicolas Barraud
Performers: Laurent Clairet, Geung Ho Nam, Shin Hong Seok, Françoise Purnode / Nathalie Hougay
Co-produced by: La Volga; Compagnie Monsieur et Madame O; Compagnie Homo Ludens; L'Odyssée / Mimos 2009; Chunchon International Mime Festival – South Korea
With support from: the French Cultural Centre in Seoul; Théâtre des Trois Vallées - Palaiseau; The Korean Cultural Centre in Paris
In partnership with: Festival L'Eté de Vaour

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2009

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